Introducing variety of things about Nagoya and other places to go in Japan

Modern way of waring KIMONO 2

Another way of wearing Japanese KIMONO in a modern way is to
make the bottom part cut off, and ware it like a loose jacket.

KIMONOs that the bottom parts are cut off and lines taken










There usually the lining on KIMONO.  So it is warmer than
how it looks.

You can take the lining off, or leave it. KIMONO is usually
longer than you think because it is folded whenputting
“OBI”(hard wide belt made by fabric).

Therefore, if you are to ware like the picture, it is recommended
to purchase smaller sized one.

Otherwise you end up dragging it. KIMONO’s length is usually
5’ to 5’2”.

Japanese women’s average height is about 5’4”.
So if you would like to ware it as a long court like picture below,
it is recommended to purchase M size or even S size if you are
about 5’6”to 5’8”.

If you would like to ware it as a half court in summer or spring,
it is better to purchase YUKATA (Summer (Casual) KIMONO)
since it does not havethe lining to start with.

YUKATA NEMAKI ←Can be used as a pajama
It is easier to chop the bottom part off.

Only weakness of using YUKATA is since it is usually made of cotton,
it is very easy to be wrinkled, whereas KIMONO is usually made by
silk or polyester and not so easy to get wrinkled.

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