Introducing variety of things about Nagoya and other places to go in Japan

Subway in Nagoya

If you visit Nagoya, you may not to worry about the transportation.

We have variety of ways.

Within Nagoya city you can use the subway to go to most of the places you want to go.
We have 4 major lines to cover almost entire Nagoya.
4 different colors mean 4 different lines.

Nagoya ‘s subway system is not as complicated
as Tokyo or Osaka.

and subway stations are kept clean.
But you should avoid commuting times like between 7:00 & 9:00 and 4:30&6:30.

Trains are extremely crowded with business people and students.

Some stations have protection gates for people not to
fall down from the platform also to avoid people to jump in.

We have many train accidents every year,
and these gates helps decreasing such incidents.

Such gates are slowly increasing.

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